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Training & Research
ARBORCHEM Customer Resources
Pollinator Research
- IVM Partners has Taken the Lead
- IVM Herbicides and Honeybees.
- Protecting Our Pollinators: Integrated Vegetation Management For Healthy Habitats.
- Promoting Healthy Pollinator Habitats with Vegetation Management (VIDEO).
- North American Bayer Bee Care Program.
- The Facts About Honey Bees and Pesticides.
- Altoona Professor Leads Group in Maintaining the Right-Of-Way in the Right Way.
Gamelands 33 Research
- Transmission Line Ecology
- A Legacy of ROW Research. Watch Dr. Carolyn Mahan discuss the VM industry's longest-standing research project.
- Biodiversity Research: Plant and Animal Community Response to Long-term Vegetation Management Practices on Rights-of-Way.
- Lifelines of a Nation.
- Notifying Your Neighbors.
- Treatment Options for Rights-of-Way.
- The Unwanted Spotlight.
- A Case for Right-of-Way Vegetation Management.
- 25 Years of Ultra Low Volume with the THINVERT® Application System.
- Game Lands 33 Research Web Page
- The Legacy of Bramble and Byrnes
- A Long-Term Ecological Study of Game Food and Cover on a Sprayed Utility Right-of-Way - 1972
- Breeding Bird Population Changes Following Right-of-Way Maintenance Treatments - 1992
- Development of a Stable, Low Plant Cover on a Utility Right-of-Way
- Development of Plant Cover Diversity on an Electric Transmission Right-of-Way
- Development of Wildlife Food and Cover on an Electric Transmission Right-of-Way Maintained by Herbicides: A 30 Year Report
- Ecological Aspects of Brush Control - A Long-Term Study on a Utility Right-of-Way - 1967
- Effect of Certain Common Brush Control Techniques and Materials on Game Food and Cover on a Power Line Right-of-Way, No. 1 - 1955
- Effects of Certain Common Brush Control Techniques and Materials on Game Food and Cover on a Power Line Right-of-Way, No. 2 - 1955
- Effects of Certain Common Brush Control Techniques and Materials on Game Food and Cover on a Power Line Right-of-Way, No. 3 - 1956
- Effects of Certain Common Brush Control Techniques and Materials on Game Food and Cover on a Power Line Right-of-Way, No. 4
- Effects of Chemical Brush Control Upon Game Food and Cover - 1958
- Effect of Herbicides on Butterfly Populations of an Electric Transmission Right-of-Way - 1997
- Effects of Special Right-of-Way Maintenance on an Avian Population - 1986
- Evaluation of the Wildlife Habitat Values of Rights-of-Way - 1979
- Impact of Brush Control on Wildlife Food and Cover - 1975
- Impact of Herbicides Upon Game Food and Cover on a Utility Right-of-Way - 1974
- Interference Factors of Responsible for Resistance of Forb-Grass Cover Types to Tree Invasion on an Electric Utility Right-of-Way - 1996
- Management and Environmental Impacts of Electric Power Transmission Rights-of-Way - 1987
- Nesting of Breeding Birds on an Electric Utility Right-of-Way - 1994
- Prediction of Cover Type on Rights-of-Way After Maintenance Treatments - 1991
- Resistance of Plant Cover Types to Tree Seedling Invasion on an Electric Transmission Right-of-Way - 1990
- Response of Amphibian and Reptile Populations to Vegetation Maintenance of an Electric Transmission Line Right-of-Way - 2001
- Seedbed Contents on an Electric Transmission Right-of-Way
- Small Mammals in Plant Cover Types on an Electric Transmission Right-of-Way - 1992
- The Bird Population of a Transmission Right-of-Way Maintained by Herbicides - 1984
- Thirty Years of Research on Development of Plant Cover on an Electric Transmission Right-of-Way - 1983
- Vegetation Distribution Associated with Right-of-Way Habitats in New York
Corteva Info Sheets